Today was a bit of a work day around the nursery. A couple of other able bodies souls and I worked diligently to bring in all the hardy Hibiscus, Hibiscus 'Fire Ball'pictured, then we brought in a good portion of Hydrangeas, as well as Sambucus and a smattering of other shrubs that I can be getting ready for the few shows I do in April and May.
Also brought in were several roses that I had made from cutting...love those old garden roses and antiques and several lovely perennials that I like to jump start and that were in 3.5" pots and not will be moved to gallon were brought in as well.
Outside it got to be an unheard of 54 degrees and inside was in the 60s as the doors were open. There will be trimming to do, get things in shape. I am chomping at the bit already. Cleanup time is always exciting and if this weather keeps up I may have to have a few early bird sales.
I like to start the hibiscus early as it is, they tend to be bushy for so long and are quite the whores when it comes to the fertilizer. I will let them set up and them lightly give them a little weak tea this month. Re potting them all into gallons will be the next step, some into #2s, and then a good dose of slow release mixed with topping mix, alfalfa, and tipple meal blend.
One of the nursery workers worked on cleaning my van. Yes, I drive a mini van. Think about how many plants you can get into one if you remove the back seats? Anyhow, he worked diligently cleaning gathering-slowly he removed 5 five gallon buckets of soil. No laughing Linda Beutler, you have ridden with me several times, but yes, there was a lit of dirt in there. It's remarkable how much better it looks, his goal is the front two seats later on this week.
Clean up will continue around the nursery. Fencing will be going in next month if things remain the same, so should the water and electrical lines for the house, and the new graved sales area north of the pump house. I might be ready for my opening in the middle of April.
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